srijeda, 12. siječnja 2011.

Komunalni otpad - Demo + live

This is my best friends' punk band from the nineties. I haven't listened to this stuff for almost ten years, and listening to it now, I have to admit that it sounded much better IN the nineties. The playing on the demo is all over the place, the sound quality of the later live tracks is rather poor, and the earlier live tracks have both of those problems. Still, I can find enjoyment in these songs, especially the best ones, like "Siromastvo", "Kisna glista" or "Demokracija". This band is a part of the history of Osijek punk scene and its music should be available, so here it is.

Oh and by the way, the photos for the cover were taken by me, so thanks for not crediting me, FRIENDS.

Track listing:

1. Dzungla od asfalta (0:55)
2. Svijet u lancima (0:48)
3. Gitarist (1:18)
4. Kad si sretan (1:42)
5. Sindikalci (1:15)
6. 1-2-3 (1:18)
7. Kisna glista (1:26)
8. La Bamba (1:32)
9. Demokracija (1:20)
10. Siromastvo (1:49)
11. Meso je najbolja hrana (1:43)
12. Gadovi (1:31)
13. Cenzura (1:03)
14. Svijet u lancima (live) (0:51)
15. Kisna glista (live) (1:52)
16. Dragi sine moj (live) (2:24)
17. Siromastvo (live) (2:05)
18. R'n'r (live) (1:30)
19. Demokracija (live) (1:27)
20. Lesevi (live) (1:16)
21. Siromastvo (live) (1:50)
22. Mirko Fodor je peder (live) (1:16)
23. Odmakni se (live) (1:43)
24. Ne ostavljaj me (live) (1:46)
25. Rodjen na tlu (live) (1:23)
26. Meso je najbolja hrana (live) (1:41)
27. Ranovej (live) (1:49)
28. MDC (live) (1:46)
29. Rodjen na tlu (live) (1:32)
30. Kisna glista (live) (1:20)


3 komentara:

  1. baš sam jučer skidao "Legendarne uživo" s tvog bloga, hehe.

  2. Et sad napokon imam demo od benda u kojemu sam pjevao i to prilično loše ah Bože!Zašto Lale zašto? Sad ne izlazim iz kuće dok ti ne propadne blog!!

  3. još si ti dobro pjevo kako su ovi svirali...
