subota, 29. siječnja 2011.

Very Expensive Porno Movie - Postfucking Happiness

I bought this CD in 1999, at the "Zivjeti kvalitetnije" anarcho-crust festival in the hills near Pozega, Croatia (also the site of the wonderful Dirty Old Festival, in its 12th year now!). I remember how I arrived at the festival site, went straight to the record stalls, and spent all the money I have brought for the next two days on: one cassette (I don't remember which one), one fanzine called Zedno uho, one 7" record (the Red Aunts one), and this here CD. After two days of begging strangers for a drop of mayonnaise, stealing cigarettes out of people's car trunks and getting wasted on homemade brandy, I came home and was finally able to enjoy this fine peace of Dutch-via-Croatia noise rock art. The great artwork containing MS Paint sketches, hardcore porn movie stills and violent children's poems is a bonus you won't be getting here, but I will share the music, which is, well, a very good aural representation of the artwork.

Track listing:

1. Fuck You (3:49)
2. Top (1:33)
3. Oral (0:54)
4. Anal (3:14)
5. Vaginal (0:14)
6. Sedlo (2:41)
7. Kokos (1:56)
8. Djevojcicice (2:10)
9. Ste kad jeli govno (0:12)
10. Pet puta bez vadjenja (2:42)
11. Barbie alcos (1:40)
12. Exer sise (3:46)
13. INTRO (3:44)
14. Zubari (4:13)
15. Smokva (3:32)
16. The Man with the Hat (2:02)
17. Na ustama drek drzali (0:11)
18. Jebem ti mater (2:23)
19. Moana Pozzi's Soul (2:25)
20. V.E.P.M. (3:19)
21. John Holm's Death (4:33)


(You'll notice that this file is hosted on MediaFire, not MegaUpload - the reason is simple, I have RTFM-ed the MegaUpload Terms of Use and found out that all files hosted by them are deleted 90 days after the last download. I will move all the old files to MediaFire in the next few weeks.)

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